Ludum Dare 53 Submission:

Help a up-n-coming stand up comedian who is vastly unprepared. "Its All in the Delivery" turns madlibs into humorous card game!

FYI, you can hold down the mouse button to speed up the dialogue.

WARNING: Full screen can sometimes hide parts of the screen.


-In order to prevent softlocking, a system was put into place that makes sure the player always has a noun in hand, but I suppose something messed up with the noun checking as the player will always draw a noun from the deck regardless.

-A really goofy error, but the coherence score at the end is 10 times less than it should (i.e. a 10.0% coherence is meant to be 100%)

-Text overlaps cards in hand. I do not know enough about how textmeshpro works with unity's rendering layers so it is something I just had to live with.

-You can get a negative score. It doesn't break the system but I meant for all feedback to be neutral or positive in order to let the player have a more upbeat experience (don't take my buggy score calculation as gospel in regards to if you are funny or not).


Musics -

Sound Effects -, Audacity

Art -

Engine - Unity

Font - Unity Asset Store (Thaleah)

The rest is my own


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